Wednesday, August 16, 2006

With Six You Get Eggroll

Day 93

It does not look like there will be news this week. All the boards are quiet regarding TA. It's okay, I'm busy thinking of all the things that need to be done for school.

We will be busy with cross country & school events for the next several weeks, plus it's time to return to choir (yea!) and start Bible studies. This will be good for all of us.

Philip and I have decided to schedule breakfast & devotions with Jacob & Sam every morning. That means I will actually get up at 5:45...oh my! But, it's hard getting time to be with just them...and they are growing up so fast. We need to keep intentional about spending time with them and finding out how they are, really. I've been guilty of letting our TA wait consume me this summer...I hope to change that.

Oh, parenting is such a tough balancing act! Am I doing enough? Am I smothering? Do I need to do more? Memories of my high school years have been back in full force recently and I never want my children in the position I was as a teenager. Lord, please help me guide our children through this time.

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