Thursday, June 05, 2008

Is She Yours?

Lunching with Amy the other day with Anna and I was asked, "Is she yours?" I must be getting thick skinned because I barely noticed it until Aunt Amy was like, "Well, yea she's hers!" I smiled because I know Amy has "got my back & Anna's, too!"

Actually, to be honest, Anna belongs to God. I'm her mom, but ultimately her life is in God's hands. I think that's the hardest part of parenting...handing them over to God because you recognize they are truly not "yours" to keep or to control. My job as mom is to teach them about God and encouage them seek His plan for their life.

His plan for my life was to be a mom. The plan for their lives will probably be completely different. I hope I'm ready to accept it when the time comes. But, boy do I hope some of my hopes & dreams for our children are His hopes and dreams as well.

"But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." Luke 2:19 As a mom, may I become like Mary, fully understanding and staying out of the way when God's plans come to fruition in my children.

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