Nuggets from heaven in the form of Doris Day. I know, sounds odd, but I spent many an afternoon sitting with my mother watching Doris Day movies. So, imagine my delight when I found that AMC was highlighting Doris Day on Sunday! I sat in bed, snuggled with Anna, and watched movie after movie, singing all of the songs and remembering my mom with a huge smile & delight. It was as if she was saying, "Hi, honey...keeping an eye on you from heaven. Which Doris Day movie do you think most resembles your life?"
So, I've contemplated that...and while my blog is entitled With Six You Get Eggroll I believe I'm more in the Please Don't Eat the Daisies phase of life! Not that Philip is a pompous play critic (I just snorted when I typed that!), but I do chase around four children, and have sometimes been known to say something as odd as "Please don't eat the daisies! You should know better!" We even have a jack russell terrier that is scared of water and quite a baby! Doesn't jump in our arms, but he really is a goofball and not quite a dog.
So, thank you Doris Day, AMC and my mother for giving me a day of wonderful memories, fun songs and a movie that made me laugh at my very hectic yet blessed life!