Little eight-year Elijah has captured my heart as he undergoes heart surgery in China. This little boy's smile and brilliant eyes are in the back of my mind and the top of my heart.
He's also given me the opportunity to share about an outreach that is so important...loving our orphans and finding them a family. This little boy has a family somewhere and I look forward to watching God plan his journey to them....where ever they may be.
Elijah has also opened a teachable moment with my little ones. When telling Asher about Elijah and the necessary surgery, he was instantly concerned because he would need so many shots. Adding Elijah to our prayers each night and then receiving updates on the success of his surgery has been a blessing. Asher knows where Elijah lives and who is taking care of him. He is empathetic towards the situation and is learning that God is with Elijah and taking care of him.
Thank you, God, for Elijah and all that you have planned for his life. And, thank you for my four blessings and the opportunity to be their mom.